past couple of weeks have been incredibly difficult I won’t lie … in fact the
most difficult 2 weeks in 22 years of ministry. Days like these will drive you
to your knees and to the Word and there are days I seem to have more questions
than I do answers. But I’ve had to remind myself that “Why?” is the wrong
question! It’s really not a matter of why but rather “Who?” See the issue is to
whom will be turn when difficult days come. Don’t kid yourself, they are coming.
John 16:33 Jesus said “In this world you will have tribulation” not might or
could but would. In all this I honestly have been amazed by a few things.
amazed at the love some express. I have heard from folks both inside and
outside Eastwood’s membership words of encouragement. Pastors, members,
non-members, denominational workers … I’ve heard from them all.
amazed at how some Christians choose to shoot their wounded. I’ve also heard
indirectly from folks who for the most part would never own up to some of the
comments I’ve heard and read but when they can be expressed anonymously, oh the
things they spew.
learned firsthand what David means when he says in Psalms 56:3 “God is our
refuge and strength, a very present help in tine of trouble”
Today I spent
a little time in Job chapter 1. If anyone has ever had a “right to gripe” it would
be Job as his whole world comes crashing in. Ultimately Job is going to
lose his children, wealth, health, and friends. So what does that have to do
with Eastwood 2013?
first of all I believe there’s more going on than what you can see with the
eye. Job is oblivious to the discussion that’s taken place in the heavenly
realm; oblivious to the fact that Satan has told God the only reason Job loves
and serves the Lord is because of His goodness to Job. Job is unaware that
Satan is given permission to do anything he likes to Job with the exception of killing him. I’m
convinced that much of what’s been happening here at Eastwood is spiritual warfare. As the
church tries to pull back the darkness here and abroad and expose people to the
hope of the gospel the enemy is not pleased. Satan would love nothing more than
to destroy the witness of God’s people and His Church. This in no way indicates I am excusing anyone's behavior. I'm simply saying that the enemy is real and will do whatever he can to get believers and churches to fall.
like these tend to reveal what kind of faith we have. I think for the most part
we all fall into one of three categories in regards to our faith.
have “fair weather” faith. Their faith is strongest when the sun is shining.
That is exactly the kind of faith Satan accuses Job of having … “God, he only
serves you because You bless him so much.” People with this type faith approach
God as if they have a contract, an agreement of sorts with the Almighty. The attitude
here is “God if you will do _____ for me, then I will serve, attend, give …”
(fill in the blank with any number of answers). These difficult days are an
opportunity for the Eastwood family of faith to demonstrate genuine faith, even
in the midst of heartache and pain.
2. Some have “foul weather” faith. These are the opposite of those with fair weather faith. To them God is like a spiritual bell hop. They seek the Lord and call on Him when they have some “bags” they are straining under the weight of. Then once He’s taken the baggage to where they think it needs to go, they inform Him, “Don’t call me I will call You the nest time I need You." I have asked the Eastwood family to call unto the Lord during this time, but we can’t stop calling and walking with Him once the storm clouds dissipate.
3. I pray I fall into this 3rd category I call “All-weather” faith. This is the type of faith Job had which led him to proclaim in Job 13:15 “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him!” Jesus in Matthew 5 said that it rains on the just and the unjust alike.
I don’t doubt that
through all of his struggle’s Job shed many a tears. But through His faith He
looked to the Lord. Job 19:25-27 he proclaims, “For I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall
stand at last on the earth; and after my skin is destroyed, this I know, that in my flesh I shall see
God, whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold, and not another. How my heart yearns within me.” I can
say I have shed tears and will likely do so again over these recent tragic
events. Bowling Green is watching and wondering; trying to discern if my ... if our
faith is real. There are many things I would hope God ultimately will find in
my life when my journey here on earth is over, but one thing I hope with all my
heart He finds me … faithful!