First, is what I call the “where question”. Where does evil and suffering come from? Why didn’t God create a world free from evil and suffering (He did). The world originally was free from pain, evil, and suffering. But Romans 5:12 explains that sin entered the world through one man (Adam) and as a result we live in a fallen world where all men will face death. Not only was man’s heart corrupted in the garden, but the world was corrupted as well.
Second is the “why question”. There are three types of evil at work in the world today. There’s moral evil; war, crime, and terrorism are all examples of moral evil that has come about by the corrupt free will of man. There is natural evil; earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, and tsunamis all happen as a result of natural evil in a fallen world. Then there is social evil, things like hunger and homelessness. To be honest I don’t think anyone can adequately answer the why question. The why question inevitably comes back to the where question and we understand evil as a result of man’s sin. To truly be created with a free will, God had to give man the ability to make poor or evil choices as well as good ones.
Third is the “what question”; what is the purpose behind this evil and suffering. Be reminded of Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose”. God has this way of taking horrible events and bringing about “good”. The most horrific event in human history was the crucifixion of Jesus. Yet, without that event you and I would be eternally lost. God took this most evil of human actions and brought about the greatest good.
Fourth is the “when question”. When we experience evil and suffering (and we will), how should we respond? At times like this we need to go back to the cross and be reminded that God really does love us. The fact of the matter is He loves us so much, He was willing to send His son to the cross for you and me.
Mark, my younger brother got bit by a dog we had when he was about five years old. The dog had started foaming at the mouth that day and before my mom could take him to the vet Mark got bit. I remember going to the hospital as my little brother had to take rabbi shots. They give these shots in the stomach and it seemed to be pretty painful. I can remember it taking several orderlies and nurses to hold him down. He didn’t understand the pain but he knew his mom and dad loved him and were there in the room with him. At times we are called to have that same childlike faith in our Heavenly Father. Just because we do not see a purpose in our suffering does not mean there isn’t one.
I remember reading a blog post after the Aurora, Colorado theater shootings. It was written by a woman named Marie, mother of 6 kids. She had taken her 14 and 16 year old daughters to the opening of the new Batman movie Dark Knight Rises. They were in that theater when the shots started ringing out. She was asked about her faith and whether she still believed God to be a merciful God. Listen to what she had to say, “Yes, I do indeed. Absolutely, positively, unequivocally. Let’s get something straight: the theater shooting was an evil, horrendous act done by a man controlled by evil. God did not take a gun and pull the trigger in a crowded theater. He didn’t even suggest it. A man did. In His sovereignty, God made man in His image with the ability to choose good and evil. Unfortunately, sometimes man chooses evil…God is always good. Man is not. Don’t get the 2 confused”.
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