Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Why every Christian must vote!

Many pastor friends have written articles and made comments about how they just cannot vote in this year’s presidential election. I want to make a brief case on why every Christian should vote. There is a vacancy on the Supreme Court and the other 8 split along ideology lines evenly, four being conservative viewing the Constitution as the document that they use to base their decisions and four being more liberal seeing the Constitution as a fluid or living document that changes with the times. In going back just 11 years, I found 10 very important decisions handed down that were determined by one vote; they were 5-4 decisions. With one vacancy and two justices over the age of 80, it is likely the next President will have an opportunity to appoint 3 justices creating a 6-3 super majority. Because of judicial activism where judges are making laws, it is extremely important to elect a President that will appoint “constructionists” who see their role as deciding cases based on the Constitution, not based on what they think the Constitution would mean or say were it written today.

Looking at the 10 cases of significance decided by one vote over the last 11 years in chronological order:

1.   Kelo v. New London (2005), This decision removed the limit on eminent domain in the Fifth Amendment. This allowed for cities, for the sake of economic development, take one person’s land and give it to another private person or development company.
2.   Massachusetts v. EPA (2007) - Here five justices rewrote federal law to allow the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate carbon dioxide because of the unproven and highly contentious global warming theory.
3.   Gonzales v. Carhart (2007) - This case upheld the ban on partial-birth abortions, a particularly gruesome and inhumane procedure, passed by Congress. The dissents made clear that the liberal justices would have allowed such barbarity to continue under Roe v. Wade.
4.   Boumediene v. Bush (2008) - This decision overrode federal law and extended constitutional rights to alien terrorists waging war against the United States.
5.   McDonald v. Chicago (2010) and District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) - These two cases affirmed the Second Amendment right of Americans to bear arms. As the dissenting opinions made clear, without Justice Scalia’s fifth vote, both cases would have been decided in favor of the virtual bans implemented by Chicago and the District.
6.   Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010) - Citizens United restored a vital part of the First Amendment, throwing out unconstitutional restrictions on independent political speech and expenditures. Overturning this decision is an explicit objective of those who want to restrict speech they don’t agree with.
7.   NFIB v. Sibelius (2012) - This decision overrode the constitutional limits on the power of Congress to uphold “Obamacare.”
8.   Shelby County v. Holder (2013) - Shelby County had gotten rid of an outdated provision of the Voting Rights Act. This provision had in effect allowed the federal government to take control of the election process usurping local control and was in violation of numerous provisions of the Constitution. Progressives want the federal government running elections in this country to give them greater control over the outcomes; overturning Shelby County is a key objective. And while the Supreme Court upheld the requirement for voter ID in 2008, decisions in the last few weeks by lower courts indicate this decision will once again be placed before the Supreme Court in the very near future. Requiring an ID in order to vote allows for states to be assured of a truthful outcome of any election.
9.   Burwell v. Hobby Lobby (2014) and Town of Greece v. Galloway (2014) - Both of these decisions ruled in favor of upholding religious liberty which is a fundamental part of the First Amendment. Five justices prevented the federal government from forcing the Christian owners of a business, like Hobby Lobby, to provide abortion/contraceptive services in their employee health care plans that violate their religious beliefs. The Galloway decision upheld the right of a town council or other legislative body to start its meetings with a prayer.
10. Obergfell v. Hodges (2015) - This decision created a non-existent right to gay marriage. It took the choice away from voters and state legislators on how their particular state would define a marriage.

I hope you see the significance of each of these decisions. Some rulings were such that Christians can agree with and some were not. Either way, a 6-3 super majority would guarantee that the Supreme Court would be tilted in one direction for decades to come. It is imperative that every Christian vote for the candidate that comes closest to your values, for the candidate you would trust to appoint judges onto the Supreme Court that would not see their role as one of activism and making laws.

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