Thursday, January 2, 2020

Make "resolutions" that will change you for the rest of your life

“Resolve” – defined as coming to a definite or earnest decision; determine to do something. “Resolution” – defined as determining upon a course of action, method, procedure, etc.

Every year thousands (yours truly included) make New Year’s resolutions. A recent study by the University of Scranton found that 77% of us who made New Year’s resolutions “mostly or completely stuck to it” for at least one week. The same study stated, “Only 8% of people who make New Year’s resolutions will actually fulfill those goals in a timely fashion.”

The list of most common resolutions includes things like:

  • Get in shape; lose weight; exercise more
  • Spend less and save more
  • Enjoy life to the fullest (I’m not sure how measurable this is since the line would always seem to be moving)
  • Spend more time with friends and or family
  • Get organized
  • Learn something new
  • Eat at home more
  • Break an addiction to media be it a smart phone, table, computer or …
  • Drink less and or stop smoking
  • Travel
  • Get more sleep

A man by the name of Leo Widrich published an article on He suggested there are physiological reasons few can actually keep their resolutions. But, what I found most helpful in his article was his “4 suggestions to help make a New Year’s resolution stick.” 
  1. Pick only one resolution – He stated our brains are unable to handle multiple resolutions. We should pick one he said; the one that is most important to us and focus on it.
  2. Take baby steps – After picking one resolution, he suggests to break it down to the simplest task possible, and work up from that. 
  3. Hold yourself accountable by telling others or writing it down – people around you can have a significant influence on your behavior. If you tell someone, you are more likely to put greater effort into keeping it. 
  4. He said to focus on the carrot and not the stick – By this Widrich means to “reward yourself” for advancing your habits and behaviors. The example he cites is having an unhealthy snack after a few days of successful dieting is a “sure fire way to increase your success rate.”

Question – What would happen if we changed the focus of our resolutions this year to encourage life transformation? If we were to focus on the spiritual aspects of our lives, it truly could be transformational. Romans 12:2 says “Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (NKJV) Would you like to get to the end of 2020 and believe that you lived out God’s will for your life? Do you want to become more like Christ this year?

Here are my suggestions for life transformation New Year’s resolutions for the believer:

  1. To love God with all you are and love your neighbor as yourself – Mark 12:30-31
  2. Begin every day in the Word – Romans 10:17; Hebrews 4:12
  3. Commit to inviting one person from your circle of family and friends to church each week – Hebrews 3:13
  4. Join and attend a year-round bible study class – Psalm 119:11
  5. Volunteer at your church – Mark 10:45
  6. Commit to defining what are the needs and what are the wants of your life, and then increasing your giving to the Lord’s work – Matthew 6:28; 2 Corinthians 9:7
  7. Journal so that you can remember God’s care (Judges 8:34); to remind you that spiritual growth is a process (1 Timothy 4:15); to stay focused in your prayer life and mindful of God’s answers; as a means of encouraging those in the family of faith that come after you.

These are just suggestions to get you thinking. Have you made spiritual resolutions for this year? What things have you put in place that will help you succeed in keeping those things you have resolved to do? May 2020 be the best year of your spiritual journey to date!

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